Friday 29 January 2016


That time is upon me and mine again, time to dust off the books, retrieve the pencils, dig out the folder and dive into another Homeschooling year. With work, we're also venturing back into the timber scene, though this time with a different twist. We are quietly and cautiously stepping into this new business pursuit, earnestly desiring that our pace will be His, and that we wouldn't be lagging behind or racing ahead of that 'perfect' time.
Life is filled with different seasons, some sweeter than others,  some seem to grab you and you just flow along in the blissful current, others have the presence of an ever ascending hill; with a slippery rock to haul yourself, your loved ones and every area of your life over with each agonising step. How wonderful are the seasons of life! How precious the fruit of character that is sovereignly worked into our being as we submit to the Divine purpose in every season. I've learnt to embrace the marathons as well as the sprints, the precarious tiptoe along a fallen log bridging a crevasse , and I also embrace the days likened to the meandering along the fertile bank of a vibrant, life-filled creek. Because my Shepherd is with me every step of the way, quieting my soul, speaking words of wisdom, O faithful is He, be still my raging soul!  I am eternally and thankfully amazed that with every step of this pilgrimage called life, God is there, always, ever unshakable, ever faithful, ever consoling, ever loving, even in His rebukes. His voice is one of freedom and liberty. As His hand guides us, and beckons us onward, upward, if only we will hear His voice in each season, by His grace I am seeing that my hearing is improving.
When our children were younger we did a lot of exploring along the coastline near to where we live. My dear husband is an absolute adventurer at heart, and as much as I love the bush and the beach, the mountains and the valleys, I am a mum, and I found myself praying nearly constantly as my husband would lead his faithful followers (our precious children) down what I was sure was a wallaby track on the cliff face (he assured me it was a fishing track many times), do wallabies fish?           Yet every time he kept his family safe, he led, guided, required their trust, and willingly it was given.
In the beginning it felt like every time I would stand with winced face, not daring to look as he dangled children from one rock and swung them up to another, they were having a grand time, being swung around, waiting patiently for the next hurdle, and having dad retrieve them over and over again. It was sometimes like five steps forward and three steps back, but who was counting? The children trusted, overcame the obstacles with dad's help, and climbed onwards.
 Seasons, changes, stages, steps.
 I'm picking beans, tomatoes, zuchinni and many leafy greens at this time of year. The pumpkins are growing ever fatter on the vine. As I was digging up some potatoes this afternoon I began to think on what would go next in their garden bed, what vegetables would be in season next.
So too I wonder what this next season will hold in my life, our lives. The Homeschool year will unfold and our business will progress, and my loving Creator will undoubtedly show His sovereign will, and by His grace, Lord willing, we will trust. And walk. One step at a time.  Life is precious, and God is so very good, in every season. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post. The Lord is so good to us and can be trusted completely, even in our "scary times".
